A Career Built on Protecting Insurance Policyholders
Mr. Gober began his career as a regulatory insur- ance examiner in 1987. In 1992, he went to work
for the U. S. Department of Justice and the Fed- eral Bureau of Investigation as an insurance com-
pany accounting fraud expert in white-collar criminal investigations . Gober has served the
government in an undercover capacity, leading to a series of successful insurance company ac-
counting fraud convictions.
Mr. Gober has championed the insurance policy- holder in many ways; from unmasking large civil
frauds to expert testimony in white-collar crimi- nal cases to individual bad faith cases where
plaintiffs have been mistreated.
Whether individual’s claims have been unjustly denied and/or delayed or the insurance company has
failed all of its policyholders through ac- counting fraud schemes, Mr. Gober has fought
successfully to get the policyholders’ monies they are rightfully due.
“Eventually, there’s going to be a battle between the policyhold- ers and the feds,” said Thomas D.
Gober, a former insurance examiner who now has his own forensic accounting firm that specializes in
insurance fraud. “The Fed is going to say, ‘We want our money back,’ but the law says,
‘Policyholders come first.’ It’s going to be ugly.”
“After Rescue, New
Weaknesses Seen at AIG”
Significant Case Work:
— U. S. v. Blocker, Federal Criminal
Court, Southern District of Mississippi
— U. S. v. Allen W. Stewart, Federal Criminal Court, Eastern District of Pennsylvania
— U. S. v. Patterson, Federal Criminal Court, Eastern District of Virginia
— Linda Harris v. AIG, et al., Superior Court of Los Angeles
Thomas D. Gober, CFE
234 W. Juniper St. – Suite 403 San Diego, California 92101
Phone/Fax: (619) 677-2633
Mobile: (662) 643-7207
E-mail: tomgober@live.com
Web: http://www.tomgober.com
Corporate Corruption – Complexity Turned Simple
These are unprecedented times. The level and complexity of accounting schemes have risen, leaving
the gen- eral public feeling left in the dark and angry.
There is a greater need than ever for experts who can grasp and simplify these tangled webs. Attor-
neys face greater challenges within grayer areas.
Many insurance policyholders have found that their insurance companies have taken far greater risks
than prudence should permit. Insurers like AIG have operated more like “Hedge Funds” than
fiduciaries. But forays into derivatives, securities lending and other riskier strategies leave
experts with more complex schemes to explain to juries and judges.
Tom Gober has many years of practice taking complex schemes and, with confidence, explain- ing them
in simple terms in compelling ways. He uses state of the art technology in investigating and
explaining the schemes.
As an expert with focus and more than 23 years of experience, Mr. Gober is proven effective. His
successful track record results from taking cases where he is confident his skill set can bring
value to his clients and convincing to jurors.
Significant Case Work:
— U. S. v. Blocker, Federal Criminal
Court, Southern District of Mississippi
— U. S. v. Allen W. Stewart, Federal Criminal Court, Eastern District of Pennsylvania
— U. S. v. Patterson, Federal Criminal Court, Eastern District of Virginia
— Linda Harris v. AIG, et al., Superior Court of Los Angeles
“After Rescue, New Weaknesses Seen at AIG”
“Eventually, there’s going to be a battle between the policyholders and the feds,” said Thomas D.
Gober, a former insurance examiner who now has his own forensic accounting firm that special- izes
in insurance fraud. “The Fed is going to say, ‘We want our money back,’ but the law says,
‘Policyholders come first.’ It’s going to be ugly.”
Promises, Promises, Promises That Lead to Lies…
A valid claim equals a timely payment. This is the promise. A claim paid equals a lower stock
value. This is the problem.
The result: delay, delay, deny, delay again.
The promise is sacrificed for the reward of higher stock prices and bigger perform- ance bonuses to
the executives.
It is this dynamic which is adding to the recent spike in bad faith.
In this climate, your clients need a well- rounded insurance expert who under- stands the insurance
company’s true obli- gations. Mr. Gober’s unique experience and knowledge of the insurance industry
from the inside out make him an invalu- able asset in holding the insurance compa- nies to their
Mr. Gober’s regulatory experience, com- plex criminal cases and recent work re- lated to insurers’
gambling in derivatives markets completes the knowledge loop.
234 W. Juniper St. – Suite 403 San Diego, CA 92101
Phone/Fax: (619)-677-2633
E-mail: tomgober@live.com